acgc day 2 !!!

since day 1 is posted~~~of cuz day 2 coming out !!!!
cut the craap n show the pictures !!!!

crazyness of cosplayercutiepie n me~~
me X taka XD
dun kill me plz~~~
taka is express-mail to russia !!!
poor acgc-chan...let use buli until.....
taka, my best pal...or so-called...eham..XD
kogarasumaru victory pose prototype !!!
our playtime of emotion~~
superpoke train...poke poke poke~~~


ashe. said...

Garrrrrrrrrrr my twin look in sooo horrible state >3 *gigit wen*


oh haha mieko here anyways.


Kirisame WeN said...

hahaha.....nvm nvm la xD..

welcome ^^