okie~~how i start the post a?? hm...okie...let's start now (when can i stop crapping n spamming a?? tsk tsk tsk)
today is the Air Gear Team outing~~which is a so-calleed "skate lesson" but end up as...an outing XD~~~the stromriders who attend tis event are Beatbox84(Beat),Takayukiryuu(Taka),Space-chan(Space),Reno-san(Reno),Sakurai_innocent(Sakurai),-xHainex-(Hainex) ,WeN(me !!),Chikoness(Chiko), Randy ,Daigotiga, ZhangZhang83 ,Awan n Ay_Ike_Jay(Jay)
well~~actually i was over-slept den all thx to sakurai who "wake me up" via msn~~for asking me m i ready for the skate day~~~*thxya sakurai !!!!* den i hurry myself to bath change cloth~~take my stuff den run to MMU bus stop !!!
den i meet up wif chiko n randy~~~go to sg wang together~~~we reach there like 10am sumting la~~~since 3 of us all stomach is making noisy~~~so we go McD to makan 1st la~~~den when we go KFC there....i notice a guy standing there as well...but i not sure is who...until....tis event...
the guy: *pointing at me* WeN ?? WeN rite??
me: ya *staring at him*
the guy: oic...i taka~~~
me: o taka
den we start chatting...den i was like OMG !!! cuz taka go there at 9am n wait there since 9am O.o~~~den sakurai come....n finally BEAT come !!! den all of us decide to go the skate ring...b4 tat i wan to find goggle...so sakurai bring me n chiko (of cuz n randy la)~~we found the goggle...but is sell in set (wif a stupid un-sirim-ed helmat T.T)~~den we "explore" sg.wang~~~n found i-sock~~a funny event happen in i-sock~~i was finding the glove in i-sock~~den the salesgirl walk towards me n we start the conversation(in chinese ya)
the salesgirl: o..soli...the shop not yet fully open..so may i help u??
me: ya...i m finding a pair of leather glove
the salesgirl: o...the glove ar all here~~u ar finding boy or girl's glove??
me: *stun n stare at the salesgirl*
randy who was standing behind me: of cuz boy 1 la~~
omg !!! m i look like a girl ?? argh~~nvm la...juz go to the next station which is the main thing of the day~~~skate ring !!! in there...zhangzhang n reno-san alrdy start to skate d T.T~~den the late-comers: space n daigo XD~~~n the onli stormrider who can skate well is reno-san !!! dam nice he skate...can dance somemore XD
after skate~~we go McD makan~~durin makan....i almost havin a hard time eatin~~all thx to taka's "reno X space situation" n daigo's "avoid spamming quote"~~~XD~~after makan~~~taka suddenly telling story which is our fun time in McD~~i laugh until my face goes red...out of air dude !!!
after tat~~we walk around like zombie walking around but is called "material hunting" XD~~~den b4 taka n daigo go bak~~taka strip in the middle of sg wang !!! we all like WAT !!! OMG !!! STRIP STRIP !!! but actually he juz take off his jacket...XD~~after some walk around....every1 decide to go home d~~so we all make the farewell~~den cabut balik xD~~
me,chiko n randy go to time square to find glove...but we found it in i-sock....n once again i stun for 2 minutes~~cuz it's RM 50 for 1 pair !!! screw it !!! so no choice....muz wait for other outing wif AG team to find the glove ^^
kinda fun day~~~but i pay the price...my leg is killin me after the skate T.T
here are the picture~~~^^ credit goes to beatbox84
(behind)me,reno space n taka,beat(in front)
another 1~~reno putting up goggle !!!
waaaa~~~sooo many ppl in 1 photo~~(zhangzhang become shadow here XD)
awan,sakurai,jay(behind)...in front is the stroy teller, taka aka kazu !!!
space n reno~~we havin a fun time "matchin" u both ^^
ya~~c all of us listening to taka tellin story(oopss..taka was cover by jay XD)
yea yea yea~~~hope can get another outing like tis ^^
c'mon is a psp camera la....1.3 megapixel onli...wat u wan?? got photo cukup la !!! XD
promote abit...MMU(MultiMedia University) Skate Club !!!