A better day in Kid's Fair Part 2

So the 2nd day, Chiko suggest me to be KAITO while she become Kagamine Len....so i say can why not ? will make things easier since KAITO i can be much more friendly compare to Cloud, The In-famous EMO boy. xDDD
Well...today is wayyy better then the 1st day ^^ cz i can bring the true WeN out...the hyperactive WeN XDD so the event go on....many people and kids take photo with me, my "brother", Len and my lovely Rinrin who stick with me all the time xDD
Although the event is not as fun as the original ACG event, but having kids come to you and wave hand then run back shyly to their parents is kinda fun to look at ^^
And today end quite easy and early...maybe is because the costume easy to take off kot...xDD went back home after eating, but i reach home earlier today, i reach home and get online at 8.30pm ^^ which is a good thing ^^
anyway, photo time xDD
Chiko,Me and My lovely Rinrin on my hand ^^
Group photo
Camwhore with my Rinrin ^^
kih3 :3
my agreement and Rinrin is beside ^^
Last camwhore with my Rinrin b4.....
i change back to my old self XD

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