ok !! b4 u scroll down~~plz be patient there is a total of 75 photo of GAME FEST aka CYBER FUSION !!! so be patient la while loading~~~
yes~~~once again~~~i left my camera~~n went bak to bath~~~n i was called by my friends to go out makan at mamak~~~den they wan me to talk bout game fest~~~so i juz tell them wat they miss cuz they din go attend !!! xD
n once again~~i was shock when a strong sunlight suddenly shine !! den i ask them wat time d?? they tell me 11am~~~n once again i OMG !!! i rush bak to my room n hav a change of cloth den rush to grandhall again~~~later when i reach there....get my hands on my camera baru the "red bull drinking party" starts for the lan party players !! REST TIME for the players to drink RED BULL~~~n at the mean time, there is PS 3 exhibition if not mistaken.....of cuz in our booth, the Street Fighter 4 FEVER is not over yet or not yet become cold XD~~~
den time for AMD to choose their lucky winners to win the lucky draw xD~~~after tat~~while i was walking around....i saw THE 1 N ONLI COSPLAYER !!!! wakakaka~~~is a SWAT due to the promo of Sudden Attack by Asia-Soft xD~~~den the 1 event tat make almost all the humans(me included oso) to stop n stare on the screen.....DOTA FINAL !!!
after the FINAL~~~the time of the record has reach 40 hourz !!! n we BREAK the old record !!! for the 1st time, i shout tis 2 words loud "MALAYSIA BOLEH !!!!" den of cuz party time !!! the lion n dragon dance oso join in the fun~~~den it all the players ar waiting for the certificate n the AMD GRAPHIC CARD !!!! later on~~i saw AMD CEO being interview by a TV station...too bad i canot join in XD~~~
since all the event has successfully ended~~we GDC hav our "happy GDC friends" photo xD~~~den of cuz we hav fun n "gotong-royong" the space we use~~den the speaker said out "now we ar giving the certificate to honor the sponsor" n we said we dun hav 1 la.....n suddenly "Last but not least, the last sponsor is MMU !!" we all shock due to no ppl go take plus our MMU president duno go where d~~~~so our poor GDC president plus me rush to the stage n take the certificate~~~wakakakaka now the certificate belongs to GDC !!!
after taking the "ownership" of the certificate, we wan to hav a group photo but unfortunely....most of our members ar too tired so they go bak home d~~~so left about 9 members left n we take photo at the cib-mall booth due to their beautiful poster of "天龙八部"(tian long ba bu)~~~after tat...i ask the cib-mall ppl tat i can boro their certificate~~~n we end up having a group photo wif cib-mall !!! xD
after i get bak~~the lan party is still going n the lighting ar cool !!!
1 red bull for me, my dear friend XD
the time hav reach 34 hourz~~if i din sleep for 34 hourz too xD~~
the organizer helps the players to prevent from sleep by doing the mexican wave !!!
PS 3 exhibition~~weird la...all ply nfs:undercover 1~~hahaha
our Street fighter 4 fever still goin on~~~
every1 is having fun plying Street Fighter 4
AMD ar giving out their lucky draw at the 36 hourz~~~
the 1 n onli cosplayer n my club president n secretary~~~
c every1 is stun watching the DOTA final match~~~
the whole front row is packed wif humans !!!
IT'S OFFICIAL WORLD RECORD !!! 40:00:58:43 !!!
every1 is celebrating !!! xD
the dragon dance !!
n the lion dance !!!
wala~~the ending ceremony !!!
the ending of cyber fusion 09 n lan party !!!
every1 is holding their certificate~~~(i think most of them trying to stand beside the 2 girls there xD)
AMD's CEO being interview !!!
GDC's full group photo !!!
the official aka high com~~~i m in there xD~~~
we make fun of the president n his gf !!! xD
representing MMU...no...GDC !!! xD
group photo wif cib-mall !!!
the stuff i "steal" bak from the event~~so many la XD~~
i hav the certificate personally XD~~
me n the 2 AMD girls ^^V
n i wont 4get to take a candid shot wif my "official" tag XD~~~
OK !!! after i finish tis post i officially announs tat i din sleep for 48 hourz !!! taking photo, talking, running, playing games for 48 hourz~~it's a record too xD~~~but not world record i think......XD
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