wooooo~~~after a long wait....finally i can attend ichibanzai !!! wakakaka~~~ok k ok....i arrive at KDU around 10.45am due to my mum say she wana bring "my katana(s)" home for me....n around 11am...i try to sms mig....but she din reply.....den i call her....den she call me go her booth...the werid is...the booth is in front of me all the time T^T...
den i get the katana from mig...n mig giv the RM68 to my mum (y giv her?? T^T) haha~~~i carry all the katana(s)[27 piece !!!] to the car...den i wana bring 1 katana down which is mine....but my mum stop me...cuz i might break the bag all cause all the katana to fall off so ok lor......when i go bak....dave,yen n TAKA call me go change my costume...the weird part is i din bring my costume XD....gome >///<
the event at start is kinda boring....seriously....me n taka n my friends all wandering around like zombie.....XD.....den the event starts...WASAAAAAAAAbi......eating competition...XD...me,taka n 1 of my friend join....n my friend is the godlike wasabi eater !!! dam fast he eat !! as for me n taka...we make fun of the MC... xD
den is duno call wat....shinigami chop race ke?? xD....me n taka is 1 team....THE SPAMMERZ....den the raace kick start wif sudoku....dam blur la.....den we go do do do.....until the third station...we do 1 thing wrongly.....forget to read the instrution.....n we fail n kena kick off from the race....WE LOSE !!! XD.....
den...is band live performent !!! MMU melaka, Kawaii-sakura come to ichibanzai !!! xD....taka n me go crazy drive the crowd to shout dancing n watever la....XD....den after tat is b4 the cosplay competition....we all dance HHY, luckystar n bacchikoi XD.....too bad i nid to went home early n is half way the cosplay competition....T^T....haizzz........plus tml i canot attend ichibanzai...haizzzz
b4 the event start...the stage....xD
at the start....few cosplayer XD
i dun noe got wat....but my friends ar so interest to look at duno wat XD
a cool GUY !!! XD
me, taka n dave !!!
taka n me grabing haruhi !!!
kawaii-sakura band leader(i think...XD) n izzy aka sasuke XD
den nel-kon join in XD
the shinigami chop race !! dei !! they steal your character XD
after we ar announs loser.....XD
i 4get wat tis band call d....but they ROCKS !!!
kawaii-sakura....tis 1 lagi rock !!!
c....THE SPAMMERZ is doin their job....i taking photo la...of cuz XD
clark n cross...double C.....XD
sasuke: wat ar u??
haseo: ......*posing*
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