after dei's n beat's....both ar my senpai n anigi ^^ oya...n Xan !!! they giv me some advise...due to my "SWORD" is too i try to go improve !!!
at dad go work d b4 i wake up....T^ juz can harap my mum la....lucky she cincai she bring me to get some cardboard.....but in the end....she supply me money to go buy 2 mounting boards.....n she say tis is the last time she giv me money to do my sword T^ i say ok....n go bak home straight go do the sword.....
den do do do.....extend come out the length is kinda correct but i do 1 thing wrong.....4get to put a stick to support the extend part....darn.....den i think nvm d...n my mum say "NICE"....i was like..."ok d juz nid is dei's n beat's advise...den onli go bak cyber improve d"...^^
n oya....after i done my "akamaru" time !!! a plain cute dog plushie....i use some black cloth my mum sew...(i keep on cucuk my own finger !!! ouch...) n finally it come out.....i sendiri feel kinda ok la (for a boy)...XD
after bcome longer..
n long enuff to do the pose d XP
akamaru on my head....i screw up the eyes....gome.... dear "dog"
akamaru ok wat~ but tail so funny XD overall good la~
arigato *huggie*
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