after the trip to sunway....juz as we arrive....the free shutter bus come....n pass by us FAST !!! we like "hi...bye" to the bus.....den we all wait under the lion head....n crazymafiamist aka Li(thx to ray who tell me)come....den we tired of waiting....suddenly a hhy song is n ray start dancing....n the worst part is dancing until half....the bus come !!! every1 is like amazing race....rush to the bus !!!
after some trip....we arrive at the college !!! n we walk here walk there...n found tat we ar kinda LOST !!!! thx to taka who appear suddenly....n bring us to the other's....n we start to change.....N SPECIAL THANKS TO TAKA N XAJIN !!! who become my hairstylist.....^^...n funny-ly i kena interview XD.....after all the "chaos" we create....CLOUD STRIFE aka rdy n is time to BANG the every1 go up....enter the event....
i join the solo cosplay competition....FOR FUN onli !!! well...i should write an OOC Cloud Strife instead of Cloud Strife.....xD....sure i veri OOC during the 1st tsurugi become insanely JELLY !!! tatz y it is call "banana sword" instead of "JELLY sword".....but heart breaking....cuz i noe i was gona lose....but nice exp to giv....N THX TO U BOTH !!! YUFFIE N SEPHIROTH WHO MADE ME NO MONEY TO REPAIR MY SWORD !!!!<----jkjk la....
n shocking-ly....i was call to help out in 2 skit of the finalise....1 is sakurai who cosplay as cho hakkai.....n the another 1 is sakurawong who cosplay as haruno sakura....1st to go up is sakura....thx to andrew n shawn.....she manage to get a nice skit to perform....n cutie(sakura[clone]),azreal(tobi) n the kungfu guy(kinda 4get your name d) of cuz me(OOC Cloud) to help out ^^......n yes...CLOUD is a summon monster by TOBI....but the funny part is....TOBI is the boss....y the 1 get the most beating is me aka cloud aka the summon monster.....n gome for my wig juz fell out....XD....
next is the continue of the story above....where the injured cloud met cho hakkai....n start to fight....of cuz get beaten up again....lucky tis time my wig din fall off....xD.....but sadly they din won....3rd price goes to vocaloid cosplayer....n 2nd goes to our naruto, Sparda !!! n the 1st price is either beatbox or reno onli....but amazingly beatbox defeat reno n get the 1st price !!! COOL !!!!
the lion which 1st tsurugi~~~
tobi ?!?! 1st tsurugi ???
testing out my sword XD
taka is styling my wig while i m posing
i look like a zombie here
due to their request...i do einstein xD
finally is complete(i think.....)
tobi wif hair???
cloud oso use dslr !!!
random posing xD
in the end kena poke XD
happy birthday to u MCs...C4 as your present !!!
oii...stop plying wif my sword will bcome soft 1....
c....told ya....the sword is touching sachiko aka yuffie head xD
i 4get wat me n taka is dancing d....xD
U !!! MUZ DANCE !!!!
~~~Funny Moment~~~ taka n me is inviting a maid(aka vivi) to dance
1st taka...FAIL !!!
up next me....XP
success !! ^^V (the mak cik beside vivi is sleep until we finish plying....XD)
in the kena surround by girlz...n a hentai swat atk !!!
the hentai swat went away.....but
he come bak again !!!!
OK~~~here is a video on how the hentai swat atk while cloud busy running away from girls 3 dead body but taka choose cloud...omg xD
c dai_spammerz dancing on stage !!!
resting...but duno y kinda funny wif every1's expression xD
geostigma strikes back !!!
the kinda emo sister n brother xD
i at competition XD
durin my competition resting time i rush down to ply xD
but end up kill by xajin xD
yes...durin the singing competition tis is wat we do~~~
jamming wif my 1st tsurugi xD
den suddenly....duno y...pose like tis XD
durin the free time for the cosplayer to prepare their skit...dai_spammerz's taicho n fukutaicho...
i appear in 2 finalize skit(cloud is beaten up badly)...but tis is the best shot(personally la)
camwhore time ^^
ok....i noe tis is ooc big time !!!! but i m hungry !!!!
hungry until no energy d......
DAY 2 is on process......wait abit longer ya ^^
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