29 May a big BIG surpise !!!!
Tag by Maka dear n dear Sakura imoto XD
Forehead?? Hand?? i duno lu.....XP
2. How did you feel when you woke up this morning?
Thinking wat muz i do next....den fall bak to sleep (dude is sem break now !!!)
3. Who was the last person/people you took a photo with?
If not mistaken.....my partner, takayukiryuu689 aka TAKA/Taki !!!
4. Would you considered yourself spoiled?
Spoiled?? i m born spoil d....i m wayyy tooo hyperactive !!!
5. Will you ever donate blood?
I donate alot of blood d....but y i still hav soo many blood?? mayb is related to my name XD
6. Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex?
YA~~of cuz !!! i mostly talk to every1 i noe xD
7. Do you want someone to be dead?
nope....NO !!! yes !!! but kinda duno wan him to die ano....is my lecturer....haizzz
8. What does your last text message say?
"Now" XD
9. What are you thinking right now?
Must i start doin my 1st tsurugi or wait next week?
10. Do you want someone to be with you right now?
If given the chance, y not take it !!! OF CUZ IS A YES !!!
11. What was the time you went to bed last night?
around erm.....a....12am....nono.....i think is a 1am !! YA~~1am !!!
12. Where did you buy the tee you are wearing now?
Ooops....soli...fyi i m now half naked....xD..if u still wana noe...i get my body from my mum...xD
13. Is someone on your mind right now?
Yes...Yes....Yes.....Yes.......YES !!!!
14. Who was the last person to text you?
still got who a....of cuz my MAKA la....Maka Vivian Chong XP
TEN lucky People to do this quiz ;
1. Taka
2. Mamoru
3. Izzy
4. Reno
5. Sachiko
6. Heaven Devil
7. Chikoness
8. Shawnkazu
9. Sparda
10. Tara
15. Who is no. 2 having relationship with?
How i noe...oops...i actually noe....XD
16. Is no. 3 a male or a female?
IS A COOL...no HOT DUDE !!!! male la
17. If no. 1 and no.7 get together , would it be good?
both alrdy hav their life-time partner d......so impossible !!!!
18. What is no.1 studying about?
now he is working....but gona learnt the same thing as me....design !!!
20. Is no. 4 single?
I think so....erm....*thinking hard*
21. Say something about no. 2.
A nice friend to hang out wif.....his camera wont get away from him.....he is kinda good friend but he "betray" me once !!! XD
22. What do you think of no. 3 and no.6 being together?
ok...fyi both ar boys....1 hot n cool....1 cool n talented.....hm.....if work together ok la....if live together....*vomit*
23. Describe no.9
A cosplayer...peminat setia Naruto....i gona poke him soon...or mayb via visa xD
24. What will you do if no. 6 and no.7 fight?
hm.....i will b shouting "RAN....your girl is gona bite another guy !!!"....XD
25. Do you like no. 5?
chibi chibi....i like to cubit her onli XD.....CHIBI !!!!!
A trip bak to heaven XD
after my laz exam...i manage to take a photo xD
while i was in the bus.....haizzz.....wait for another 1 hour XD
it finally move....but i still emo xD
i m emo~~while i traviling through light XD
i saw my cute little penang island d !!!!
my 1st dinner at penang after i finish my exam !!!
main dish !!! PORK !!!! oi oi oi !!!!
ARRRGGGHHH~~~i hate my hair now T.T
emo again~~~my hair now sooooooooo short !!!!
Pizza...I have become a Pizza Zombie~~
the poster of the day !!!
pizza is on the table...c the 3 guardian behind XD
the water supply~~~
let's terminate your hunger wif terminator pizza !!!
i canot contorl myself to promote tis box XD
all tis car number is currently lost...if u found it plz call 999 XD(jkjk)
a stalker tat canot wait to eat all the chicken n pizza xD
finally i can eat !!!!
mamoru n me promoting pizza XD
u wan pizza?? go take yourself !!!
our 1st round....2nd n third is much more den tis~~~
so wat?? i still a bass player !!!
all hail the great edo who is still choosing wat pizza should he take !!!
the 1 n onli spammer cup....it's priceless canot buy outside 1 XD
My Destiny AS A Lifeless~~~
i m bak to lifeless !!!! XD
Tag by Maka dear~~^^
You've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with the ABC's of YOU. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you - but not in a creepy stalker kind of way.
A-Anime~~tatz my life
B-Basketball~~ply until my handbroke 1 sports
C-Cosplay until i old xD~~plus is my surname: Cheng
D-Drawing for my life~~cuz i study design
E-Energytic~~tatz y i so hyperactive~~
F-Family&Friends....ntg to do bout u guys~~cuz u ar part of me xD
G-Guardian of some1 soon~~u noe who u ar...XP
H-Hyperactive~~~tatz my motto
I-Ikuzo !!! i use tis word alot
J-JPN~~Japan !!! i wan to go there AGAIN !!!!
K-Kelvin~~my english name(veri rare ppl call me tis name....i mean my friends)
L-L Lawliet~~1 day i might b same as him.....
M-Maka dear~~~the 1 i care the most now
N-Nani !??! WAT !?!?!? HAR!??!?! WAT ?!?!?!
O-Otaku~~i m 1 of the gang
P-PArty~~i hate but love party~~~weird??
Q-Quoted from Soul, I m a cool guy !!!
R-Randomness~~~i m the king of it
S-Soul of Spammer is inside my SOUL....
T-Tag~~duno y every1 wana tag me 1
U-Unagi~~a fish?? i think...if not mistaken...xD...i like fish
V-V for victory !! YEa~~~n name of some1 might bcome mine soon...XP
W-WeN...hachuuu~~~my third name lor...n tis name has consider as a SPAMMER !!!
X-Xtremely BAKA....tatz me
Y-Y.....Why??? W-H-Y?? i use to ask tis question
Z-ZzZzZzZzZzZzZz.....tis thingy appear alot of time above my head.....
Okie~ It's tagging time now~ XD Here are the lucky ones xD
the differ in 2008 n 2009 n 2010~~
c.."Wen as mizumachi kengo" xD
KIBA~~~woof woof~~~
tis is the 1 i m talking about bandage 1st tsurugi~~~
Saix...2010 plan
2010,,,need to b as complete as tis d !!!
grimmjow !!! destroy !!!
EXAM !!!! OMG !!!
okie~~actually i m still in my playing mode....so nvr study yet...until tis morning...1 of my friend msn me...."later exam lor !!! u study bo??"....i was like "WAT ?!!?!?! today exam !!!" den i rush myself to read the notes !!! DAM !!! WTF !!??!?!? i dun understand a thing dude !!! wat up down right left...ctrl alt delete copy paste !!! WTF ?!!?? although i finish my flash myself but i dun understand a single thingy inside the notes !!! y the english muz b so hard !!!! ARGH !?!?!?!
den...nvm lor...i still keras my kelapa go exam....n still maintain my "happy-go-lucky" self in front of my friends....but actually inside me keep on say "die lor die lor die lor !!!".....but lucky i hav my happy-go-lucky self...tat keep on say "nvm la...i m the best !!! i can do anything 1 !!" XD
fufufu~~~i though my place will b veri nice....mana tau reli is nice !!! juz in front of the lecturer !!! DAM !!! how i suppose to meniru !! but hor....the good thing is i smile while i doin the exam paper...cuz is kinda "easy"....ARGH~~~ !!! den after i finish my exam.....i go bak room den it suddenly rain heavily !!!! den oya !!! i finally reach the 10k post in CF(should i b happy or wat?? i oso duno....XD)...after tat i go hav a nap.....
i duno y i so happy bout tis XD i finally finish the another happy family of soul,maka n soka...xD
ok...wat's goin on in the picture....soul,maka n soka join a cosplay event...so maka dress up as a school girl while soka is a neko...n soul is....changing his shirt...
Soul: oi...maka.....bring soka out...i wana change
Maka: tis shirt kinda small la....*exercise abit*
Soka: hehe....tis is fun.....hehe~~
C2AGE~~in HELP !?!?!?! XD
AM riser !!! do they hav effect from 0-raiser??kinda disapointted...tis is how AM riser looks....master roshi is bullying a kawaii girl....wat m i doing behind???
can i hav a gun? tat 1 looks nice !!
hhy...presented by HELP students...XD japanese duno wat wat VIP n Hannah Tan, Animax promo girl xD
1st group photo for the cosplayers
onli me hav tis warm welcome from the MC XD
MC: WeN, do a fighting pose !!
Me: Fighting pose?? Flying pose i hav la....XD
wacha~~~Kogarasumaru pose !!!!
3,2,1 bang XD
me n my 1st online imoto, cutiepie (round 1)
me n headmaster cross(aka wed_raven)
the future kogarasumaru...buccha bcome old...onigiri wears spec...kazu wear black beanie..ikki bcome weird ?!!? agito/akito?? i duno....XD
can i make a hole in 1??? show me the power of keyblade !!!
i looks hyper here...mamoru aka onigiri promoting onigiri xD
your holyness, master roshi...is too bright until i nid to wear goggle to see...XD
cosplayer chess....taka n me discussing how to make fun...
dante n me.....posing...XD
3 on 1??? who will win?? the group of dan, kazu n ikki or the mummy swordman ??
i gona kill myself cuz u ar naughty boy !!!
hait...gomenasai...."kaa-san" XD
the knight n the queen who kena kill.....XD
taka n me happy cuz our king lost the battle XD
the survivor of the chess game XD
our atuk !!!NOT SYMMETRY LA !!!
tak...wat ar u doin???
let's dance the roshi dance !!!
hhy random ending???
haitt~~~gomenasai !!!!
naruto ?!?!?! future hokage !!!!!
here is round 2....wif my 1st online imoto, cutiepie....XD
ok....my usual bully picture featuring me kena bully ok ok....kaka-sensei....i lose...dun poke me !!!
TAKA !!! even u !!! n y steal my ball !!!
1st poke...2nd grab...now 3 on 1...gun,sword n rod !! omg ?!?!?! dun sm me !!!
the ending.....u can find me easily(find my freaking leg)
Watch at your own risk....tis is 2 photo ar veri rare....no1 noe tat tis happen....so...watch at your own risk !!!!
ok....tis is wayyy to gayish xD