it's 12 May nite....after i go dinner wif my friends....i go bak some touch-up to my screw-up GAZA poster....den i go bath den...close my eyes to end the day....
n 1 of my friend nudge me....den i wake up....she ask me wana go library to do the df ano? my mind juz come out 1 thing....cybertracker....den i say ok lor...den i go library wif my screw-up artwork around 11pm...den we anime....(of cuz is after finish the df project d) until 6.30am like tis....go DF room....walao...FCM is truely scary during the nite !!!!
so after arrive at df friend tell me to write our name i write lor....den when i wana write for my other friends.....some of the coursemates hav write their's (due to i fall asleep)....but lucky i still manage to write them starting at number 7.....quite front rite??
after tat....some of my friends sure camwhore 1...i look at their artwork...FUUYOH !!! ALL BIGGER N TALLER DEN THEM 1(not like mine....smaller den me xD).....of cuz the lecturer announs or so-called "SHOUT" "who's number 1??"...den i say me...he say "ok..come in..."
once i go in....i put my screw-up artwork to let them c....Che Mat(the lecturer i "respect" the most !!) terus "aduh...." den b4 i start present...he juz ask me "do u re-do anything??"...i say "yes...everything"....he juz SHOCK n say "WAT !!?"...den he ask me to let miss elyna to see wat i re-do....after watch my "re-do studies"...he juz much time i spend to re-do n finish my artwork....i say "tue n wed i din do cuz is full day study....mon i use 3 hourz while thurs,fri,sat n sun i use 5 hourz to do" he count....n he say "23 hourz to finish??"...i say YES...
den the laz comment they giv me..."boy, your idea..your passion, your hard-working, n your spirit all i like it....the onli thing u ar bad on is your artwork canot deliver wat u wana tell...u got the idea to make it deliver...but u canot make it deliver..understand??" n the onli thing they like in my artwork is my mech-shark n the human (aka agito n akito) layout canot show the fear of GAZA ppl T.T
for those who dun understand...the sentence means....i got the idea but i duno how to explain like u wana do something but u duno how to after tat is end of the day...the whole day i m sleeping at my bed XD
c....even girl's canvas is as same as her XD(tis is hoyi)
ultimate hong yao's artwork !!! 2 in 1 !!! dam freaking big !!! friend, chris's artwork...u can even do a background for ppl who is emo (the guy pointing is zhi han...n the 1 emo is zhe ming) XD
taller den him...n can draw as same height as him(tis is kevin)
zhi han's artwork !!! oya..the bird can poke ppl 1....XD
the lecturer of the day....the 1 who wearing the cap is che mat(the lecturer i "respect" the most !!)
wan c mine 1 a??
scroll down lu~~~ there.....small le?? winson the 1 holding mine screw-up artwork...n me is the 1 kneel XD
is my eyes getting blur ~
or i see agito and akito??
u blur la...where got agito n akito?? xD
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