after a "nice" sleep~~i wake up at 7am~~~duno y i wake up so early~~~hahaha~~so okie lor~~~go clean my messy room lor~~~cuz after DF~~my room turn ultra messy~~~plus no time go clean~~~so left until today lor~~~
as alwayz~~i skip breakfast to save money~~~after i bath~~~i look at the sky~~~is blue in color~~~plus have cool air~~~feels like air-con~~so juz lay down on my bed terus sleep(time is 11.45am)~~~hahaha
den wake up~~look at the clock~~~walao~~~nearly 4pm liao~~~so~~go bath again lor~~~den go lunch~~~hahaha~~~cyberia onli la~~~i buy 1 economy rice plus 1 drink equal RM5~~i duno is cheap or not la~~~juz nid 2 fill up my stomach onli~~~
after eat~~~go bak room~~~well chat wif friends on msn~~~den later go ply games~~~ply n chat until around 8.30pm like tis~~~look at the sky again....dreaming~~~den i go have my dinner~~~oso.....ECONOMY RICE plus 1 drink~~~tis time duno y turn RM4.50 onli~~~hahaha~~~den hor~~~wat i thought the meat is chicken~~u noe wat~~is actually...........PORK !!!! NICE MAN !!!!
n welcome bak my PSP !!! it revived~~~u noe y~~~i cant find the charger~~so i left it battery dead 4 around 1 week like tis~~~canot ply~~~feel dam sien~~but today it revive~~i found the charger after i clean the room~~~hahahaha
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